Biden WH gifts Trump campaign with talking point about no 'daylight' policywise between Harris and Biden

 August 13, 2024

Given President Joe Biden's dismal job approval numbers and the unpopularity of many of his policies, some of Vice President Kamala Harris' supporters and even her campaign have worked to try and distance the presumptive Democratic nominee from those things that the American people dislike.

Unfortunately for them, that effort was just confounded by Biden's White House press secretary saying in no uncertain terms that, policywise, Biden and Harris are closely "aligned" and there is no "daylight" between them, the New York Post reported.

The comments from the press secretary were immediately seized upon by former President Donald Trump's campaign as proof that a Harris term in office would be no different from another Biden term and evidence that she was linked to the incumbent president's poor record on various important issues.

White House links Harris directly to Biden's policies

During Monday's press briefing, a reporter asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about the Harris campaign's vow to soon release its policy positions and whether it was safe to assume that President Biden would support those proposed policies.

"You can certainly say -- or I can say that they are partners in this. So, they believe and -- certainly on the same page when we think about the economy, when we think about health care," Jean-Pierre replied. "They’re -- her -- they have to work through what their policies, ideas are. But the last three and a half years, they’ve been in sync. They have been certainly on the same page. And I -- I presume that that will continue from here."

A short time later, another reporter asked the press secretary if there was any sort of ongoing "interagency policy review" to ensure that the Harris campaign's eventual proposals -- none have been publicized yet -- were in line with Biden's policies over the past few years.

Jean-Pierre acknowledged that she knew nothing about any sort of interagency review but noted, "What I can speak to is the last three and a half years -- right? -- we have less than six months now of this administration -- and how much the vice president was a critical partner in getting a lot of the big pieces, historic pieces done."

She asserted that VP Harris did a lot of the "heavy lifting" to get the administration's "historic" legislative proposals passed into law, and added, "Obviously, again, as I was -- just stated, she’s going to lay out her vision. But, again, they’ve been aligned. You know? They’ve been aligned for the last three and a half years. There’s not been any daylight."

Thanks for the confirmation, Trump's campaign says

According to Fox News, the no "daylight" between Biden and Harris on policy remarks from Jean-Pierre was a veritable gift to the Trump campaign that they were only too happy to accept.

The campaign's national press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, shared a clip of that comment in an X post and wrote, "Thank you @PressSec for confirming: there is 'no daylight' between Kamala and Joe! Kamala owns the border crisis. Kamala owns inflation. Kamala owns the wars, chaos, and crime over the past 4 years."

Leavitt also provided a similar but more fulsome statement to Fox News and said, "Today, the Biden White House confirmed what the Kamala Harris refuses to admit: there is NO daylight between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden."

"Kamala owns the illegal immigration crisis that continues to rage on our southern border; and Kamala owns the inflation crisis that has made food, rent, and gas unaffordable," she added. "Electing Kamala would be like hiring the thief who robbed your house to put new locks on the door. Kamala created this mess -- she cannot be trusted to clean it up."

Harris can't run away from shared record with Biden

Fox News observed that the Harris campaign has attempted to create some distance between the VP and President Biden on unpopular policy issues like border security and illegal immigration or the economy and inflation, to little avail.

The Post noted that Harris' job approval number, 41.5%, is scarcely better than Biden's, at 38.9%, and both are underwater in large part because of the negative impact their policies have had on the American people over the past three and a half years.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson