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DANIEL VAUGHAN: Chinese Communism lies about its COVID dead
We've known for a while that China lied about its COVID-19 numbers. In fact, there are many things we know…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Three Cheers for Congress on filling National Defense Stockpile
Congress passed, and President Biden is expected to sign the new National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This military spending has seen some…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Common Good Constitutionalism failed the pandemic. Originalism did not.
On the legal right, there's a tempest in a teapot raging between a new school of thought versus the standard…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Biden empowers Putin with Brittney Griner trade
Brittney Griner is finally free from the Russian prison system and set to return to America. That's good because no…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Musk's Twitter Files reveals leftist censorship
In something reminiscent of the peak Trump years on Twitter, Elon Musk set the world on fire with a single…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: News media enters a dark winter
Winter has arrived for the news media. Layoffs are spreading beyond CNN and into every area of the press, from…
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" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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