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DANIEL VAUGHAN: Democrats Launch Coup Against Joe Biden
There's a palace coup underway to remove Joe Biden from the upcoming election. That's not a conspiracy theory or some…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Congress Should Demand Joe Biden's Medical Records
It's time for Congress to step in regarding President Biden's health. The debate was a disturbing example of the current…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: It's Time For Biden To Step Down - Democrats Agree
Joe Biden just delivered the worst Presidential debate performance in United States history. Here's how I know this: after the…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: 'The Squad' And Jamaal Bowman Get Swept Out For Their Antisemitism
It was a bad night for the Hamas caucus of Congress: Jamaal Bowman, one of the centerpieces of the far-left 'Squad'…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: From #MeToo To Re-Education Camps
In 2017, Ronan Farrow's reporting on Harvey Weinstein triggered the #MeToo movement. Weinstein is still fighting off trial charges based…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Leftist Lawfare Continues After Trump Conviction
When Alvin Bragg finished his prosecution of Donald Trump and got the guilty verdict, he made a statement telling everyone that no…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Biden's Video Blunders Are Getting Worse, As Are The White House Excuses
Upton Sinclair once remarked, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Democrats Are Rebuilding Deep-State Opposition To A Second Trump Term
The air is slowly leaking out of the polls that buoyed Biden in the immediate aftermath of Trump's conviction. Biden…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Should Liberal Supreme Court Justices Resign? Liberals Think So...
In public, liberals put on a brave face and say Biden has a solid chance to win this race. We…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Liberals Are Reinventing Law Enforcement On The Fly
It's June, which means Americans get inundated with a flood of "PRIDE" imagery everywhere. This year, we're looking at how…
" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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