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DANIEL VAUGHAN: The Left Blasts Israel's Heroic Rescue Operation
Only on the anti-Israel left can rescuing hostages be pitched as a bad thing. Israel Defense Force (IDF) launched a…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Liberals Kill California's Economy
On April 1 of this year, California's $20-an-hour minimum wage law went into effect. As the bill was debated, businesses…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Biden's Incapacity To Perform Returns To The Front Page
The news is abuzz with Donald Trump's conviction and its impact on the race. That's understandable, given what has just…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: The Trump Verdict Is A Bad Seismic Shift In American Politics
If you have a long enough view of the world and politics, there's one overarching point: pendulums always swing in…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: The Alito Flag-Gate Controversy Implodes In Left's Face
It was always a dumb controversy, but watching it collapse in real-time has been a treat. The New York Times…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Biden Launches Campaign Hail Mary At Trump Trial
The Democratic freakout has reappeared. When Politico, the top source for establishment thinking in the Democratic Party, reports on meltdowns, you…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: We Need To Investigate Joe Biden's Involvement In Hunter's Trial
If you threw a rock at news headlines over the last few months, you'd no doubt hit a news story…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Recession Or Not - Biden Is Correctly Blamed On Inflation
Some news has a short shelf life, and some is sticky. With politicians, you can figure out which stories are…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Joe Biden Continues Barack Obama's Apology Tour
After Barack Obama was elected in 2008, he went out on his infamous "apology tour." It was a  "famous speech…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Good Riddance To Ebrahim Raisi (1960-2024) - The Hangman Of Tehran
Ebrahim Raisi, the former President of Iran, is dead. The world is a better place. He died in a brutal…
" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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